More Farias Family Pictures
....I CAN DO ALL THINGS IN CHRIST.......  (Phillipians 4:13)
Julie & Blake Christmas Eve 2004
Rosie & Desi Christmas 2004
Rosie & Husband, Paul on wedding day, 7/22/04
Raul, Danielle & Blake Christmas 2004
Left to right, front row: Jason, Grandpa & Grandma
Left to right: JW, Julie, Richard R., Sonya, Danielle, Desi,Paul, Rosie, Blake
Back Row: Ruben, Richard F., Linda
Roy was taking the picture

              Christmas Eve 2004
This is the same as above, except that Jason is now standing, Roy is way in the back with glasses and Danielle is the one taking the picture.
                       Christmas Eve 2004
Hillory at 3 months...
Dont' even ask about me!
email me
Rosie Farias-Guerra
I'd like to take this opportunity and thank you for visiting our website..... not for Hillory, but because of Hillory.  Thanks for the support and prayers that you have demonstrated to us over the years.  Your heartfelt words via e-mail reminds us daily that her death was not in vain.
May almighty God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hands.

Rosie Farias-Guerra
and the entire
Farias Family
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Same color accident!!
Fernando Farias, Paul & Rosie Guerra & Reynaldo Farias
Fernando Farias
Sonya, Danielle, Rosie & Julie
Richard, Rosie, Roy & Reynaldo, our dad
Rosie & Paul
Julie, Diana, Hillory, Raquel & Cristina
Rosie & cousin Minnie's husband, Kevin
Fernando, Rosie & Reynaldo
Just a few folks celebrating Tio Nando's.....
80th Birthday!!
Elizabeth & Tio Nando
When they're together, No one else exists
Julie, Tio Nando, Jason & Angie
Watchout!! "He don't mess around!!"
Tio & Mr. Blue Eyes himself!!
Las Primas
Angie, Fernando, Reynaldo & Lydia
Paul Guerra & Rosie Farias
Glitter Maker
[ - *Glitter Photos*]
Mom & Dad
Celebrating Dad's 79th Birthday 